Rust Removal

What you will need:

  • Water
  • Container of some sort - a Plastic bucket works really well.
  • Battery charger - big is better, but a small one will work too... it will just take a little longer.
  • Electrodes a stainless steel or iron electrode. You can use an old bolt, concrete reinforcing rod, etc.
  • Wire/cable.
  • Washing soda (NOT baking soda!!) Arm & Hammer LAUNDRY soda, also called washing soda. I found a similar Arm & Hammer product called "FabriCare Free" who's main ingredients are the same. I have read to add about one to two tablespoons of soda to a gallon of water or 1/3 to 1/2 cup laundry soda per 5 gallon plastic bucket of water. As you can see there is no need for an exact solution. Just mix it up and your ready.
  • If you have trouble locating the washing soda, household lye will work just fine. It's a tad more nasty--always wear eye protection and be sure to add the lye to the water (NOT water to lye!!!) The solution is weak, and is not harmful, though you might want to wear gloves. While baking soda is not recommended I have heard people using it successfully.
  • I bet your wondering how long this solution will last. Forever! -)
  • Though the solution will get pretty disgusting after a while it will continue to work. In fact you may notice it works better over time as more junk gets dissolved in the solution. As evaporation and electrolysis deplete the water from the solution add water ONLY to bring the level back. Continued




















How to do it:
Assuming you are using a plastic, or non-conductive bucket, mix a solution of 1 to 2 tablespoons of soda per gallon of water (1/3 to 1/2 cup laundry soda in a 5 gallon bucket). Mix well so all soda is dissolved.

Clean the electrodes so they aren't too rusty - especially at the top ends - they need to make good electrical contact. I take mine to a wire wheel on my grinder and give them just a real quick going over. Place electrodes in bucket, around sides, so clean, rust free ends stick up above bucket. Use wire, clamps, or some means to hold them in place, so that they cannot move freely, or fall into center of bucket. They must NOT EVER touch part to be cleaned, which will be suspended in center of bucket. I use small C clamps. Whatever you use, it shouldn't be copper, and will get a bit messy if it gets into your cleaning solution.
Tie the electrodes together with wire, or cables. I use copper wire twisted around the top ends, and have used old jumper cables. All electrodes need to be tied together "electrically".

Suspend part to be cleaned into bucket so it hangs in the middle, not touching bottom, and not touching electrodes. I place a piece of rerod across top of bucket (see photo below) and bolt a small piece of chain to my part to be cleaned, and clamp the chain on the rod so that the chain hangs from the rod, and suspends the part into solution below.

Attach battery charger - place NEGATIVE LEAD (this is most critical!!!) on rod, or metal that piece to clean is suspended from. Somehow, your negative, or BLACK charger lead needs to connect to the part.
Attach POSITIVE, or RED lead of charger to electrode "grid" formed when you placed electrodes, or rods, into bucket and tied them all together.

Make sure electrodes and part to be cleaned are not touching, turn on charger. You should within seconds see a lot of tiny bubbles rising from the part suspended in the mixture. Do not do this inside, or in a closed area - those bubbles are the componant parts of water - H2O - Hydrogen and Oxygen. Remember the Hindenburg?

See below how the rust and bubbles are attracted to the electrodes? You will need to clean them from time to time - they will get very covered with gunk, and in fact, after many uses, will have eroded down and need to be replaced. That is why I use rerod - it's easy to get, cheap, and most of all - SAFE FOR YOU (unless you attempt to eat it) and your environment! No nasty elements such as stainless steel would have. You can pour the waste solution on the lawn and it won't hurt it. Do watch out for ornamental shrubs which may not like iron rich soil, however. No use making your spouse mad!

This could all also be done on a larger scale - get plastic chemical barrels, cut out the top, and you can make a 15 or even 30 gallon cleaning tank - simply use longer electrodes (another advantage of using rerod). you may also need to use MORE electrodes with larger parts and a larger "tank".

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