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From: Phil Vanderpoel <pvander@ewc1.ewc.whecn.edu>
Organization: Eastern Wyoming College - Computer Services

About 3 weeks ago a friend of mine and his wife were returning home two up from a trip to the Washington coast, they had covered a lot of miles in 3 days and were probably tired, a little overloaded and inexperienced (less than a year in the saddle). They had a blow out on a rear Dunlop K491, which was new the day before we began the trip.  They both had helmets on. They slowed to an estimated 20-25 mph when the bike high sided and slammed them both to the pavement.  He has broken ribs,collarbone and arm, she is brain dead in Billings in the hospital.  The only life support she is receiving is a feeding tube but she will never wake up from her coma.  It could have happened to anybody.  It makes me think, did the helmet save her life, yes it probably did.  Will she be a burden to the tax payers for the rest or her life.  Yes she probably will.  Do helmet laws make sense?  No they don't.  There ARE worse things than death.  Am i going to quit riding because of this tragic accident, definitely not.  Am i going to change the way i ride, probably.  Did the people who were riding with them learn anythihg?  Yeah, we did.  Don't push it, sit back and rest every now and then. When it's 105 F in the shade, find some shade and sit in it.  Remember, no matter how good you are or how much you know there's always that split second decision that makes the difference between life and death.
I didn't mean to bring people down just make them aware.  Thanks for listening.

Philbert         -Torrington Wyoming - Where the WEST begins!!!

From: <ANetteler@aol.com>

Five years ago a good friend was killed on a 1980 Honda CB750K. He was slowing to turn right off a 2 lane State Highway (55mph) on to a Paved County Road. The car behind him slowed too, but was turning left on the same County Road. The third vehicle a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee was in such a hurry to pass the traffic, that the woman driving it decided to pass the left turning car on the shoulder. Well, as you can figure out Ken was turning right. Police said that she hit Ken at around 50mph. That knocked him off the bike then her Jeep ran COMPLETELY over Ken. The woman when asked why she was passing on the shoulder of the road, she told the officer that "she didnt have time to waste on some jerk taking too long to turn left". She then said that if "that guy on the motorcycle hadn't have been there she wouldn't have hit him, those things (motorcycles) have no business on the road".

From: bsarnowitz@west.raytheon.com

She was probably too busy putting her make-up on or talking on the cellular phone!!!!!!!!

From: Phil Vanderpoel <pvander@ewc1.ewc.whecn.edu>

It is attitudes like the one of that woman that scare me more than anything.  Everybody who casually lets bikers be discriminated against and does nothing to stop it, is likely to lose the right to ride on all public highways.  Those of us who are complacent about helmet laws are wrong.  It is discrimination.  Is it a law that bicyclists or water or snow skiers wear helmets.  No and if it was there would be a big rumble and the law would be repealed because it violates their rights.  I'm not saying you shouldn't wear a helmet but i am saying that you should be able to decide on your own whether or not you want to wear a helmet. First they make us wear helmets, then they don't let us ride in the national parks, then they don't let us ride on the interstates and
finally they don't let us ride anywhere.  There are people out there that would ban motorcycles altogether from everything.  You say, "It'll never happen". Are you sure?  What do you do to make it not happen. Don't be complacent.  Write your state legislators and your national representatives and senators, let them know how you feel.  If you live in a state with a helmet law tell them to shove that helmet law where the sun don't shine.  You can still wear your helmet but you aren't being forced to.  Do helmets save lives? I doubt it.  Does rider
education save lives? I know it does.  Is rider education just for bikers, No its for all those stupid cage drivers who are in too big a hurry or just "didn't see" the motorcyclist.  Stand up for your rights, because we all might be walking in a few years instead of enjoying what we love best.

Philbert         -Torrington, Wyoming - Where the WEST begins!!!!!

From: djkray@cts.com (MDK)

Stories such as these and my personal experience leads me to wonder how it is that people such as this get and keep their driver's license. I think we need to move to a system such as many of the european countries have where it is a much more difficult and demanding process to get a license. There is no doubt in my mind that these people are still out there, inside of their 4000lb vehicles on top of 20 gallons of gasoline, waiting to strike again. Why is it so difficult for the system to take their privlege to drive? Better a hardship for crappy drivers, than the families of those they will maim and kill. People, talking on their cell phones and munching their Big Macs, are truly ignorant of the fact that they are operating a piece of heavy machinery and are distressed at the notion that they should be required to be competent and responsible for their actions.
        It should easier for people to loose their licenses for the incompetence that comes with old age or just being a complete idiot. Also, if someone gets popped for a DUI I wouldn't cry too much to see their vehicle siezed and sold at auction (2/3 of people busted for driving on a suspended license lost them to DUIs).         Unfortunately, I am not Emporer of the World yet so these things probably will not happen soon. Until then I will keep my eyes open, the halogens on, and not worry too much about irritating people with loud pipes.

Yes, they are all out to get you!

Ride safe,
Mark Kray

Mark Kray <djkray@cts.com (MDK)>

I can not disagree more

No-Track-Real Short
From: "Bob Riner" <bobdog@joshuanet.com>

What a complete zero-put him and that other general, the clueless drug czar dreamer, in the same blind, preachy, arrogant, meddlesome bag. And this thing of labeling another person right wing because you don't want somebody sniffing your shorts is a thread bare take. Wise up...left wing, right wing-they're the two wresling in the bar while their accomplice (he has many names) is cleaning out the till while everyone is watching the floor show.         -BOB

General No-Track-Real Short
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998
From: Smokin Paul <SmokeRiders@execpc.com>
To: "Bob Riner" <bobdog@joshuanet.com>


   You got that right on the money. So many people are against personal liberty but do not realize or care that theirs is also in jeopardy. I think the General has good intentions but that does not make it right. However there are many things in the military that are done that would never be done in civilian life, so I take the story with a grain of salt.
   What I want to know is why do I see all kinds of bike events for Harley riders here in Milwaukee, WI. and they never ware helmets. You see the Governor on a bike with no helmet etc. But when it comes to bicycles all the events say you cannot ride in them without a helmet! The same people that would not be caught dead on a motorcycle waring a helmet because they want to make a statement would never be caught dead not waring a helmet on a bicycle because they want to be politically correct. And there are some places that have city ordinances making waring a helmet mandatory on bikes.
   So I think the people with strong statements against the General know what can and is happening to our freedoms. They are slowly being eroded. I bet the people in California that built there houses on the cliffs did not consider that the shore line would erode so much that eventually their house would slide down to destruction. But as for motorcycling I do not fear it being stopped because there are so many people with such strong opinions that speak up at even the hint of biker rights being eroded. I just hope and pray that the other freedoms we have will be defended to the same degree and even reverse the erosion on them that has been happening.

Smokin Paul
Smoke Riders Association

General No-Track-Real Short
From: "Bob Riner" <bobdog@joshuanet.com>
To: "Smokin Paul" <SmokeRiders@execpc.com>

Thanks Paul, expected some flak over my re-set on this thing but why mince around? A few weeks ago on the SOHC list people were actually applauding that a bunch of BMW riders got nailed for speeding in Montana. Simply amazing! Now I see that even some motorcyclists behave like lab trained rats and conform to what they have been told is the right way of thinking. That speeding is unsafe. Ahh...duh, speed is not unsafe, the sudden change in speed is unsafe. A cop lurking on the side of road picking off the speeder on a lonely stretch of highway is a revenue enhancer for the state, not a safety officier. Jeez, it just boggles me...    -BOB

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